RJ Tours

Roydin Engelbrecht is responsible for ensuring every aspect of your experience with RJ Tours is pleasing.
I have been a guide for 7 years and have been fortunate enough to have spotted such astounding areas of my unique town. I am passionate about getting to share my experience and everything the Oudtshoorn area has to offer, and I am very excited to leave a footprint.
Personally, it wasn’t just about taking the tourist on an experience they would never forget, exploring every moment presented and having the best time of my life on very tour or encounter I did. This is where the hunger that burned inside of me pushed me to think about starting my own business. It is my main objective in my business plan: to introduce tourists to a whole new side of the Oudtshoorn area.
With RJ Tours I would really like to do that, like my slogan of my business says “ RJ Tours-Oudtshoorn Flo… Let’s Go!!!” Giving tourists a chance to see Oudtshoorn in a whole different way, but also learn and educate the forthcoming generation! “so come and share the space with the locals”
Contact Information
Tel: +27 (0)73 836 1654
E-mail: rjtours6@gmail.com
Website: www.rjtours.co.za